Make a donation to ReMind UK
In 2021 the number of people living with dementia was estimated to be close to one million people in the UK. By 2050 this is expected to rise to 1.6 million.
One in two of us will be affected by dementia in our lifetime. And yet funding towards dementia research remains significantly lower than for other conditions.
At ReMind UK, we believe everyone should have access to an early diagnosis to give people the best chance of living well with dementia. We also believe that everyone should be entitled to adequate support, the person with the diagnosis and those caring for them.
You can help.
Your donation to ReMind UK means we can continue to get ahead of dementia through research, raising awareness of the vital need for further studies and disseminating research findings to ensure maximum impact.
Your support will mean those using our Memory Services get the time and support they need to make sense of their diagnosis and to ask questions.
Your donations mean people newly diagnosed with dementia and those who care for them are provided with vital opportunities to connect and learn through events, peer support, courses and information. Helping as many people as possible live well with dementia.
Other ways to donate
Pay in sponsorship or collection money
As it’s not secure to send cash in the post, you can either bring cash into the ReMind UK Centre in Bath, or deposit donations into your bank account and make your donation online or send your collection or sponsorship money by cheque in the post. You can also use Just Giving to collect and make donations to ReMind UK, or if needed, speak to us about paying directly into ReMind UK’s bank account.
Set up a tribute fund for a loved one
If you are raising money in memory or celebration of a friend, family member or colleague, you can set up a tribute fund for ReMind UK using Much Loved. Donations will come directly to ReMind UK.
Donate by post
Send a cheque made payable to ReMind UK to: The Remind UK Centre, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath. BA1 3NG
Donate on the phone
Call us on 01225 476420 to make a donation over the phone.
How your donation makes a difference
£10 pays for one of our staff to support someone affected by dementia on the phone for half an hour including sending useful resources after the call
£35 brings people affected by dementia together for our Lived Experience Panel meetings, sharing their experiences to guide the work of ReMind UK.
£40 pays for a session of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for someone diagnosed with dementia
£90 pays for someone to attend an information day for carers of those with dementia including a take home information pack
£100 pays for half a day’s research from an academic research fellow or clinical research nurse
£450 pays for someone newly diagnosed with dementia to attend a full Living with Dementia course over ten weeks including resources and support
£700 pays for an infusion pump for us to use to deliver treatment to people taking part in research
Who will your donation be helping?

Margaret and Les Herbert, from Keynsham.
“Les and I first became involved with the ReMind UK Centre in 2015 following his referral by our GP and have returned many times over the years for memory assessments and for Les to take part in a research study.
We have always found their staff to be very helpful and caring. We are so grateful for their kind support, they feel like members of our family and we are happy to support their much-needed research into dementia treatment.
I would highly recommend the ReMind UK Centre to anyone who needs help with memory issues.”
Margaret Herbert