Current research at ReMind UK

We are delivering a range of clinical trials and non-drug studies to test treatments and improve outcomes for people affected by dementia and other conditions

Alzheimer's disease research

The ReTain clinical research study is for adults who are concerned about their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Participants must be currently healthy with no cognitive impairment. The trial will assess the effect of an immunotherapy medication on cognitive decline, this medication will be given by injection to the upper arm.

A research trial to assess the safety and efficacy of the drug ‘donanemab’ in participants with early Alzheimer’s disease. Donanemab instructs the body’s immune system to remove amyloid, a protein which harms the brain if it builds up into plaques. Earlier trials suggest that donanemab can slow down cognitive decline in people with early Alzheimer’s disease.

The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of a drug called ‘BMS-986446’ for early Alzheimer’s disease. This drug is an antibody that researchers hope could prevent the spread of the protein tau in the brain. 

The Immunobrain Trial investigates the relationship between the brain and our body’s immune system. The study tests whether a targeted antibody can enhance the immune system into repairing damage to the brain as a result of early Alzheimer’s disease, hopefully delaying the progression of the condition to keep people well for longer.

Evoke and Evoke Plus Trials

A clinical trial studying if the drug called ‘semaglutide’ can reduce cognitive decline and inflammation in people with early Alzheimer’s disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment. Semaglutide is already safely used to treat Type 2 Diabetes and works by altering the metabolic system and lowering inflammation throughout the body.

A research trial for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment or early Alzheimer’s disease, to study whether intensive dental hygienist treatment can influence memory problems. MySmile examines whether improving oral health can slow down memory loss, testing out the theory that bacteria in the mouth could be linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

Janssen Autonomy Trial

Alzheimer’s research study exploring whether a new medicine which targets a protein in brain cells called tau, could treat early Alzheimer’s disease by slowing memory loss and cognitive decline. In the brain of a person with Alzheimer’s disease, the tau proteins are abnormal and do not allow brain cells to function normally.


Dementia carers research

A questionnaire exploring the experiences of Indian-British dementia caregivers in the UK. This research will assess the wellbeing and stress levels of carers who look after someone living with dementia. By taking part, you will be entered into a prize draw for a £50 voucher. 

Testing out an online psychological training programme to support family carers of people living with dementia. This online programme is based on a psychological approach called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Available for unpaid family carers of people living with any kind of dementia.

A study aimed at helping unpaid carers, for example a close friend or loved one who supports someone with dementia living at home. Carers of people with dementia would test out a package of online resources including tips and advice, to see if it is useful in reducing stress and improving wellbeing.


Other research studies

We are looking for healthy volunteers (no dementia diagnosis) to help out as a control group for a study of a non-invasive test to diagnose dementia. This test, called ‘Fastball’ measures brain waves while showing someone images displayed on a screen. Early evidence suggests that the test is effective in picking up on subtle changes in the brain.

A project looking into whether prebiotic supplementation improves skeletal muscle health in older adults. 

The Maintain Study aims to help people with dementia who have had a recent fall. Falls can often lead to a loss of confidence, a poorer quality of life and decreased independence. This study therefore provides activities to support people with dementia to maintain their independence at home, participants will be testing if the activities are useful.


Volunteer for dementia research

We believe people diagnosed with dementia should be given the opportunity to participate in research trials whenever possible.  We also manage a list of ‘Healthy Brain volunteers’ who do not have a dementia diagnosis. Contact us with your details to join our Research Register. There are no obligations to take part but we might contact you to discuss any opportunities that should arise. To find out more contact our Research Manager:

Read about why Roger chose to take part in dementia research.

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