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If you want to know more about a specific type of dementia or condition of older age, there is support from ReMind UK’s partner organisations, click on the pictures below.

More information for vascular dementia, which can be caused by a stroke.

More information about rarer conditions such as frontotemporal dementia.

More information for bone health.

ReMind UK works in collaboration with South West Dementia Brain Bank (SWDBB) at Southmead Hospital Bristol, where the brain tissue analysis is performed.

  • SWDBB keeps a register of donors who have given their consent for their brain to be donated after they pass way.
  • Both donors with a diagnosis of dementia and those without are needed to further dementia research.
  • Funeral arrangements are not delayed by brain donation and there is no cost to the donor’s family.
  • After analysis, the donor’s family can request an accurate diagnosis of the cause of dementia.
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