How your money is spent
Our work supporting people affected by memory problems and conditions of older age is only made possible through the generosity of the individuals, trusts and foundations which support ReMind UK. Download our Annual Report and Accounts to read a detailed account of all we have achieved.
On this page you will find a summary of the funding we receive to deliver our research and services. We want to be completely transparent so our funders can see exactly what their generous donations are achieving. Every pound is important to us.
Our income
In 2023 we raised £1,128,776 in total. This includes:
- Donations and legacies £239,527 (£31,263 donations, £208,264 legacies)
- Trusts and grants £236933
- Income from charitable activities £638,628 (£333,315 clinical trials, £24,783 research projects, £280,530 memory clinic)
- Investments and royalties £6,383
- Other trading activities £7,305
Our expenditure
In 2023 we spent £944,640. This includes:
- Fundraising = £67,189
- Charitable Activities = £787,751 ( £371,774 clinical trials and research projects, £319,342 memory clinic and other, £96,635 post-diagnosis support )
- Organisational overheads = £183,216
- Governance = £7,500
How your money is spent

- For every pound donated 76p goes to fighting dementia through research, diagnosis, treatment and support
- 6p is spent on raising the next £1
- 18p is spent on organisational overheads such as our purpose built centre which houses our memory clinic and research activities